Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Welcome Friends, Pixies, Elves, Fairies!


it's slowly coming together- my little Fairy Pixie World! Thank you for stopping by! I am in LOVE with this blogging thing-great, now I have yet another excuse not to finish things I really should be finishing! But let that be our little secret!

I have always been enchanted with faerie folk, and now I guess it's time to explore just how creative I can get! Doing crafty little things like Fairy trees and other wee folk type things I will dream up keeps me very happy. I also enjoy having something creative to do while I am waiting for my garden and all of it's fairies to come to life!

The person mainly responsible for my venture into this crafty blog heaven is Jen of J. Nichelle. Yep- she doesn't even know it yet, but I want to be her when I grow up! I am in such awe of her creativity, description writing skills and can only imagine the motherload of vintage mercury, ornaments and sugarbells- not to mention mica snow in her workshop, the pixies and fairies would have a field day for sure in there! She is also responsible for my Lefton Pixie addiction...Yikes! As soon as my blogs are presentable, I will surely contact her to let her know what a blessing she has been to me over the past few months by inspiring me to dust off my glue gun! If you know her, please give her a big hug for me!