Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tree Giveaway Update!!!

Good news sparkly friends! I have decided to do the drawing for the tree on April 5th! So you have a few more days to get you entries in. Truth is, with all the swaps and getting ready for Easter, I haven't had the time to make the tree yet, so that is good news for everybody. So you may still enter, don't forget to leave me a comment!!! (You can do it here)

Sparkly Hugs,
Tobi and the Pixies!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy PINK Saturday!!

Pink Bling Earphones

Pretty Pink Ornaments
Pink Coleus I saved from last year's garden
Bubba and her favorite pink toy from Petcowherethepetsgo

Hello My Friends! Yes, it is another PINK SATURDAY and you know what that means.... go and visit as many new Pinkies as you can and make some friends! This wouldn't be possible without our charming hostess Miss Beverly from How Sweet The Sound. Go visit her and see who's posting this week!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ol' Fashioned Pixie Swappin!!!

This is me and Jennie- she is the one with small ears!
What happens when you get two Pixie Lovin' fruitCaKes together??? Besides more emails than you can possibly imagine, you get a Pixie swap!! Me and SwEeT Jen from J. Nichelle Holidaydid our own little 2 person swap between the Crazy Tree ladies of blogland and here is what we came up with!!!!

OMG is all I can say, because if you read back to my very first post I tell y'all about how it wasJennie who first inspired me to glue things to bottle brush trees! I wound up collecting a bazillion Pixie Planters (like I really need more stuff! Yikes!)
Well, today in the mail was a huge box with my precious new addition- A Pixie with a BUNEEEEEE! OMG how cute! The pixies are just crazy with excitement about their new friend!
Ok, how cute are those curled in toes??
Of course there is a signature new corsage!!!
All my faVorIte CoLorS!!!!!!!

Thank You Thank You Thank You Sweet Fruitcake SeParAteD at Birth Twin Pixie Lovin Sister!!!

Here's What I sent my Jennie:

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Blog Inspiration of the Week: How Sweet The Sound

"TOBEEEEEEEE! That Fairy isn't wearing any ClOthEs!!" Said Emma Sparklebottom as she flew down from the china cabinet and perched on my coffee cup to get a closer view of this curious sight.
"She's not a fairy Emma, she is an Angel!

"Well she sure loOkS Like a FaiRy to Meeee" Emma said while doing her balance beam walk on the edge.

"What's an AnGel ToBeeeeee?"

"Hmmn, how can I explain this? Ok, an angel is a divine messenger sent to keep us humans doing the right thing. Every person has a Guardian Angel that watches over them all the time."

Emma thought for a moment...

"Well how can your Guardian Angel help you if it is glued to a tree??"

"Very funny Emma, now please stop walking in my glitter, I don't want to spend the day picking glass shards out of your feet! Besides, it's not sanitary."

So here's the tree I made this week, inspired by Beverly from How Sweet The Sound!!! It is PINK of course, and has the wee angel named "Grace" playing music. The angel reminds me of Beverly, who not only brings weekly fun and joy into our lives with her Pink Saturdays, but is also an angel by posting her lovely spiritual Sundays to enrich our souls. If that's not an angel, I don't know what it! So thank you Beverly for blessing us with your friendship!!!


Happy PINK Saturday!!

Hello My Friends! Yes, it is another PINK SATURDAY and you know what that means.... go and visit as many new Pinkies as you can and make some friends! This wouldn't be possible without our charming hostess Miss Beverly from How Sweet The Sound. Go visit her and see who's posting this week!

Pink Tulips
Pink Roses on my Plate
More Pink Roses

You Guessed it...

Have A BeAutiFully PINK SaTurdaY With SpaRklY HuGs From Tobi and The PiXiEs!!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

"I need Friends" Giveaway Update!!!

Hi Everyone! I will be making the giveaway tree this weekend (Hopefully tonight) so don't forget
to enter!!! You can still get double entries till I post a pic of the Giveaway tree, so don't forget to become a follower!!
To Enter:
1.Become a follower
2.Leave a comment HERE on this new post!

If you want you can get another entry by putting my giveaway button on your blog and then leaving a comment that you did here at the end of this new post.

Dont forget:
YOU CAN ENTER TILL April 5th!!!!!

Hope to see lots more new friends!!!!!

Sparkly Hugs,
Tobi and the Pixies!!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Sunday Blues...Flow Blues that is!

"Tobeeeeeee"...Emma Sparkle squealed as she flew with a "POOF" into a basket of warm laundry I had just taken out of the dryer. Pixies love to play in warm fluffy laundry, and are especially fond of the smell of April Fresh Downey.
"Do you love me?" she asked poking her head up from the basket of clothes.
"Of course I love you, now please try not to leave sparkles on the socks."
My husband gets cranky when his clothes are all "glittered up", and he reminds me to please keep my sparkles in my workshop.
"Do you love me forever and ever and never stop counting?" Emma asked as she put a sock on her head and made it into a hat.
"Yes I love you Emma and never stop counting- did you do something naughty?" I looked at her with my "suspicious mom face".
"...And you want mee to stay and live here forever too?" She darted up and came down with a swoosh, head first into the pile of clothes I had just folded making my work for naught.
"YES EMMA!! Now what is the matter?" I demanded with a little less patience than I would have liked.
She peered out from behind my now crumpled jeans.
"I don't want you to glue meee to a tree and sell me on Ebay."
"Oh for Gosh Sakes Emma! Is that what's wrong?" My heart just melted as I scooped her up and looked into her little bright green Pixie eyes
"That Pixie on the Rainbow tree wasn't REAL- it's only a figurine".
"What's a figureeeen? She asked
"It's like a plate, but in the shape of something like a frog or a Pixie!" I held up my prized Flow Blue plate to show her.
"See? Plates aren't alive so It's okay."
"Weeee!" She swooshed up with glee in spirals to the ceiling- "I have to go tell everybody!" and with that she was off...leaving a sparkly trail of pixie dust on the bed, and a pile on my husband's socks.
Later that evening, I discovered a my little Pixie named Periwinkle Sparklebottom playing in the China Cabinet.
"OOOOH!" I heard as the sound of little Pixie footsteps made my crystal ting and tinkle in the dark.
"Be careful Peri" I warned, not wanting to have to sweep up glass any time soon.
"What's a plate? she asked me while balancing on the edge of a crystal goblet.
I picked up my Flow Blue plate that I adored and showed it to her.
"This is a plate Peri. It is very very old so please be careful!"
"The Bloo is sooooo pretty Tobeee!"
I am sure you know where this is going..........

Well, here is my 1899 Flow Blue W.H. Grindley and Sons plate (Doris Pattern) that she fancied last night, all prettied up with a ecru hand dyed bottle brush tree and Cobalt Blue Vintage Shiny Brite ornaments! She has a Midnight Blue Vintage Rhinestone Brooch tucked in the branches, along with Vintage Bells and Cobalt beads.
Won't She look lovely in your Flow Blue Collection??
Make sure to lock your China Cabinet so Periwinkle can't get at it!
Naughty Fairy!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday!!

Happy Saturday Pinkies!!!
This is my second Pink Saturday Post. Many thanks to our Pink Hostess Beverly at How Sweet The Sound, check out all the Pink Participants and let them know how much you like their Pink stuff!

Pink Puppy Belly
Pink Bandana for Bubba
New Pink Ballerina Fairy Tree (on Ebay!)
Take a Peek at the New Spring Pixie Tree
Topped guessed it- A Pixie!
New Pink Saturday Pinkness Tree!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Swan Lake...Fairy Pixie Style!

It is a well known fact that Pixies and Fairies are very bad with boundaries and are always wanting to get into your business. As I told you before, they go into your drawers at night and play with your pretty trinkets, and feel no remorse in pinching a few to put on their trees. They also like playing with your computer and well, that's what happened last night. I heard whispering and giggles coming from my workshop, so naturally I went to investigate. Periwinkle Twinklewing (aka Nosey Body) was busy showing my Facebook Wall to Emma Sparklebottom and Shimmer Silverdust (They work in the glitter department naturally). The page was open to my Birthday post and they were looking at my birthday Carvel Cake with Tiny Vintage Ballerina Candle Holders.

"What are they?" Periwinkle asked.
"Those are Ballerinas, and didn't I tell you guys to stay off my computer?? How did you get my Facebook password anyway?"
"Are Ballerinas fairies without wings?" asked Emma Sparklebottom.
"They are very beautiful.." remarked Shimmer as I regained possession of my laptop, hoping they had not been visiting Troll sites again- which are known for harboring nasty viruses.
"How do they fly without wings?" Emma asked, still mesmerized by my little plastic dancers.
"They don't fly Emma, they dance" I said and pulled up You Tube on my laptop to find a clip of Swan Lake.

They all sat transfixed to the tiny dancers flitting around on the YouTube screen.
"Look" exclaimed Emma as a dancer leapt into the air..."She IS flying! Ballerina Fairies fly without wings!!"

"I never thought of it that way Emma, I guess they do..." and closed my laptop cause it was really time for bed.

"Night Night ladies" I said as I left them to their excited whispers. Whatever they were up to, I just hoped they would clean up after themselves, I needed to go to bed.

"Tooobbii...WAKE UP!"

I stumbled downstairs and what do you think was waiting for me?

"It's a Ballerina Fairy tree Tobeee, do you like it?" Emma squealed with delight!

I looked back at Emma, but saw only a puff of Fairy Dust swirling in the sharp shafts of morning sunlight.

"Fairies!" I thought to myself.

But how could I possibly be mad when they make such beautiful presents for me?


Blog Inspiration of the Week: A Meandering Pearl

"What do you love?" Ravenflower the pixie asked.
"The name of my new follower's blog- A Meandering Pearl!"
"That's a pretty name she said" while rummaging thru my box of broken necklaces.
"I think that would make a pretty tree... meandering Pearl..." I said to myself whilst browsing her blog.

The very next morning I went down to feed Precious and Baby- (my Pomeranian Pixies)

When low and behold- what just twinkled at me?

A brand new tree, shimmering with silver crushed glass glitter and pearls...Meandering Pearls!
"Wow" I thought-What a wonderful idea for a weekly, (or sometimes every two or three weeks depending on how busy me and the pixies and fairies are) to create a tree just for the fun of it that happens to be inspired by the name of one of my sparkly blog friends! "

The tree is adorable, but I really need to speak to the pixies about leaving my glue gun on!

So this precious tree is lovingly dedicated to Meandering Pearl-"It takes a long time to grow a rare pearl"! Visit her lovely blog and say hi for me!

The shells in the base can hold your sweet earrings

So if you are interested in being a possible future muse for this project, just leave us a comment submitting your blog name or that of a friend's that might make a pretty tree, and we just may do it!

Ps This is just for fun and to keep my creativity flowing, and the pixies out of mischief! No strings attached!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My First Pink Saturday!!!

Pretty Pink Footed Dish, Pink Hyacinth, Pink roses on a faux Fairy Cake, and Loves Baby Soft...YES they still make it and YES I still buy it! You can never take the 70's out of a girl I guess :) And of course, My PINK Fairy Tree on Ebay! (Shameless self promotion!!!) Have a very PINK DAY!! Thanks Beverly!
Sparkly Hugs,
Tobi :)