Sunday, September 26, 2010

YAY! The New Holiday Blog is Up!!

Hello My Sparkly Friends!
We are knee deep in glitter and mica snow, 
but never too busy to thank our
Super Sparkly friend 
Karen Valentine

Go visit her
and let her "holiday up"

 your Blog too!
Thank you Karen!!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

White Christmas at Pink Pixie Forest

Hello My Sparkly Friends!
My new Holiday Blog Design by Karen Valentine should be up by this evening!!!
Boy are we excited!
It's all white and sparkly!
I am spending today going to the Renaissance festival, and checking out the booth spaces so maybe I can exhibit next year.

And for my Bit'o'Pink
Here is darling
(yep, that's her name)
sporting the latest
Fall Marabou

Mid- Bite
of her 
"Sleepy Cookie"
(the treats I give her and "Baby"
before they go to bed)
And of course,
It wouldn't be 
Pink Saturday
Without some 
Pink Sparkly Stuff!

Soo My Sparkly Friends, Sparkle on over to
to see all our other pinkies in our 

Thanks so much for stopping by, and please don't 

forget to 

leave a comment!!!

And then visit

Karen Valentine


and let her have a go at 


Blogerific Blog!

I will post pics

of the 

Renaissance Festival


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pink Christmas Eye Candy

Hello my Sparkly Friends!
I spent yesterday driving for hours back home from Pottsville Pennsylvania, so this weeks pinks are more eye candy than words.
This Pixie is pooped!
But happy:)
Well, Let's get on with the show!

These are my new trees
from my 
Pink Christmas Collection
for sale on

This tree is in a vintage
Silver Plated
Sugar Bowl
(The one pictured at the top of the page)

Next is a colorful 
Angel Topped
beauty in a Swan

And even though he is not 
Here is 
What a cutie!!!

Soo My Sparkly Friends, mosey on over to

to see all our other pinkies in our pinkalishiousness!

Thanks so much for stopping by, and please don't forget to leave a comment!!!

                                                     Click here for MMP Shop Hop

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 Let Us Never Forget

Good Day my SpaRkLy FriEnDs!
So sorry for the late hour of this post.  Today is a day that sits deep in my heart, a day that sits deep inside all of us.
I woke early this morning and did my labyrinth tidying ritual... carefully raking the fallen leaves and twigs from the stones, symbolically envisioning the labyrinth to be my life, and the leaves to be any unwanted things that I don't want to let into my life.  

I wanted the labyrinth (and my mind) clean so I could fully honor all those precious souls.

I then placed my  New York City crystal on a log.

  Ashley had given it to me because it was way too heavy to take to Austria.  It still had the twin towers in it.

I then lit a small healing fire in the fire pit, and prayed and meditated and tried to keep my heart from breaking all over again.

Was it really 9 years ago that I watched the towers crumble, standing there on the corner of 21st street and 6th avenue.  

My little Makeup Shop was on 21st Street.

If any of you are interested to hear of what it was like to be in NYC when it all happened, well here was my experience.

If not, just scroll down and see some pretty new 
trees for Christmas.

Father Mychal Judge
Before I start, I just wanted to share my feeling about how incredible it was that Father Mychal Judge was victim number 0001. I picture his gentle soul  helping all of the frightened and confused souls find the LIGHT. Can you imagine what heavenly confusion it must have been to have all of those souls pass at once?  I truly believe Father Judge was using his heavenly guidance that day.
It was one of the thoughts that kept me going and kept me remembering that 
God has a plan 
even though we might not understand
 or see it right away.

As soon as the first plane hit, I had a strong feeling in my heart that it was no accident.  The second plane confirmed my feeling.  
Being in the city that weekend was totally surreal.
Up where I was nobody was outwardly  panicking yet, and I went straight into survival mode while everyone was still reeling from the shock.  I went quickly to the market and bought armloads of food to bring back to the shop.  I didn't know if the city would be totally shut down, and I wanted to be able to lock myself into the shop, shut off the lights and hope that major looting wouldn't start. 

 I figured if it did, I wouldn't be first on the list because really- 
how many people need makeup to survive?
(Not including Celebrities!)

So I locked myself inside.
While I waited for Ashley,
I just sat in the dark,
in my little Makeup Shop.

I wondered what would happen next.
More tragedies? 
More attacks?
While I sat,
I wondered what would happen to

I honestly thought that my business would be over because of all of this.

How would I take care of Ashley
if my business closed?

I mean, I love makeup and everything, but it is pretty trivial compared to what had just happened. 

As it turned out,
I was really wrong.

September 11th 
turned out to be a huge wake up call for many people all over the world...
"It can all end in a blink of the eye- 
start doing what you love, 
and never 
take even a second
of your
for granted".

Amidst the horror of it all,
we were given a 

a second chance of sorts.
An opportunity to STOP wasting our time

I think that is the single most important way
for us
to honor all of those souls
so that a little good can actually come out of such

And, as promised-
The Pink.

Life in it's fluffy PINKNESS.
Go ahead,
go glue some glitter on something and see how 
it makes you feel!
And lastly,
to my
Love Bunny
Thank you for putting up with me love!
Wrong Love Bunny!
Here he is!
He's gonna surely kill me!
Ah, that's better!

Now please visit all of the other Pinkies

Thank you for visiting!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday and The Rosette Swap Reveal!!!

Hello my Sparkly FriEnDs!!!
Happy Pink Saturday to you!
Last week was truly inspirational. It is so amazing what can happen when
"us women-folk"
get together to accomplish something.
Heck Yeah!!

So this week we had the
for the Rosette Swap
that I was in from
Gypsy Brocante.
Since the Rosette was
and since I need to be in my studio all weekend creating,
I am hoping it is a
Pink saturday post
as well!
Scroll down or
click here
to the original
Full Story version
for a giggle.

And then go on over to our lovely hostess

and see all of the other glorious
pink sweetness!
Oh- and remember to have yourself a sparkly pinkalicious day!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thought for the Day...

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."  
Carl Bard 

Have a lovely day my Sparkly Friends!