Friday, May 27, 2011

Giveaway! Happy Birthday Pink Saturday!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebration and a GIVEAWAY!!!
To enter-
Please follow by email to the left
Even If You Already Follow
Blogger has lost my followers!

Hello my SpaRkLy FriEnDs!!!

A Little Bird Told Me

That May 28th 2011

Is A Very Special Day!

There is a Birthday Girl Out There

Who Has Been quite an Incredible Hostess to Us All!

Her name is Miss Beverly
How Sweet The Sound!

For THREE- yes THREE Years Now,
She has been bringing us together
in the name of

Gently nudging us to leave the mundane
and journey into the land of

We come together as women,
but never forgetting the little girls we are
and how we love to

Me and the Pixies have made
So Many Friends here...
My sparkly angel FriEndS

SO What Are We Waiting For???

Let's all give a shout out to Miss Beverly
For a
HAPPY 3rd Birthday!!!


In honor of Pink Saturday,
I would like to gift
one of my SpArkLy FrIenDs
with this
Rose FairyCake Cupcake!
I can't believe it has been a little over a year since I started blogging and enjoying Pink Saturday.

To Enter, Simply
1. Follow Me-
Use the follow button at the top of the blog- blogger is having problems!!
2. Leave a Sparkly Comment here!

That's it!
I will hold the drawing next Friday at 3pm and announce the winner
on next Saturday's
Pink Saturday!!
All of the pretty pinkness shown here today I created in honor of
Pink Saturday
and will be available in my Etsy Shop as soon as I can get the listings up!
If you would like something before it is listed, just email me at

Friday, May 20, 2011

Where Pixies Sleep- and A GIVEAWAY!

Hello My SpaRkLy FrIeNDs!
How Cool is this Bedroom???!!!!
I found it quite by accident in NY Magazine yesterday.
You see, I try to make it a habit of
culling my magazines whenever I can
So I go thru them and tear out whatever
strikes my fancy.

You can imagine my excitement when I came across this
PINKalicious Boudoir...

I promised the Pixies that if they were
Good this week
I would decorate their room like this.

My little plan worked,
because we made about
2 dozen

FaiRy CakEs,


SIX cake Boxes!

I will choose something special
for our
next week
in honor of

You can enter starting today thru next Sunday
1. Following us
2. And leaving a comment!!

Me and the Pixies will choose one of our
SpaRkLy FrIenDs
from all of the comments this week and next!

We hope to see all of our friends and a bunch of new sparklies!

The drawing will be next Sunday May 29th at 12 midnight!

Now after you comment- please go visit the bestest Hostess-
Miss Beverly at
How Sweet The Sound

and show her some sparkly LOVE!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Busy Braving!

Hello My Sparkly Friends!
Oh, how I have been missin' you!

I have been far, far away in Brave Girl Land
busy making peace with my
inner dragons and Beasties,

So the Pink Pixie Forest can get back to making pretty sparkly things to ooooh and aaaah at!

You see
after my mom passed away at Christmastime,
I then turned 50 in January
and just went into a slump
more befitting a TROLL

than a Pixie or Fairy.
I had to do SOMETHING!
For some reason, I just
my sparkle
and started having a really hard time creating.
So I enlisted in several
online classes-
BRAVE GIRLS being one of them.
I have to tell you,
these classes are really helping me to
work my way out of my
troll slump and

back to my


once again.

So here are a few of my
Lovely Pink Pixie Tulips

that burst forth to encourage me
on this restorative journey.

Now please go say hello to my other pinky friends at
Miss Beverly's
How Sweet The Sound

and send them all a

Sparkly Hugs,
Tobi and the Pixies!