Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bumble Bees Have Feelings too!

Pink saturday Bee
That's what I have to keep 
telling myself every time one flies by me
 so i don't freak out like a crackhead and start running and flapping my arms.

Bees have feelings.
Wasps have feelings....
I wasn't thinking that three weeks ago when I had to "call someone" to have our wasp problem taken care of. 
 I confess my sparkly friends-
I hired a hit-man
"take care of a situation".
By situation I mean "not being able to go in and out of my house or car without being bullied by a flying stinging pissed off insect."
Wasps... Hate em.
Wasps are like
 Midlife crisis Men Driving Corvettes...
You really just need to stay away from them!
Back to WASPS-
I know, I know- all life is to be respected and even scary wasps are part of the ecosystem.
not that many-
-living in every orifice of my house-
-coming into my bedroom uninvited even though all of my windows are shut-
-trying to nest in my car door.
So needless to say I still felt tremendously guilty watching my gun for hire neutralize my situation.
Which brings me to Bumble bees.
I had a chance yesterday to do a good deed for a relative of those wasps yesterday
and I did!
I helped some Bumble bees.
Furry, chubby fat black and yellow bumbles, nesting in my garden.
You see, I was making this really swell circular bed
and picked up the fountain statue from my front bed
and heard a multiple buzzing sound.
I knew what that meant.
I carefully went over to where my statue had been
and there was a 
bumble bee nest
newly exposed.

A funny thing happened...
Instead of freaking out, I felt bad for those 
little rolly polly chubsters.
I went and got an empty flower pot
and gave it to them.
 Heck- I was feeling so happy that I even 
gave them a handful of tree stuff to help plug the holes.
 Look at this adorable little bumble creeping around to find stuff to shore up the nest!

 So I feel like I am a little closer to becoming
stinging insect tolerant.
At least
I know my flowers are happy...
Ok, I am too!

So Have a Sparkly Day my friends!!

And a VERY
to Miss Beverly
Sparkly Hugs,
Tobi and the Pixies!

Linking to
Pink Saturday
Outdoor Wednesday -Yep- It's Outside!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pinkity Pink Pink!

  I'm Dreaming in Pink today...
 Won't you come visit me?

 The table is set
I've laid out my dress
Yoo Hoo ate my lipstick, 
so she's all Pink too!

 We can eat like nobody is watching
and giggle and eat pink 
angel food cake
drink pink margaritas

 and eat pink ice cream sundaes...
I think then we will need a nap!

 or we can take a stroll and sit here!
 Oh how much fun it is to dream!!!
Have a dreamy pinkity pink day
my sparkly shugga-pie!

Don't Forget:
I am running a giveaway on my new blog
So please spread the word for me
Giveaway won't end till I get 200 followers!!!
To Enter the Giveaway-
Just Follow-
you just might be the lucky winner of
This Sparkly Fairy Tree!!
So have yourself 

Pink Saturday
here's the link
Pink Weekend!!
Don't forget to leave a comment
on this post also
The Pinkpixieforest Giveaway!!!
it is still on till the end of the month!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Get Your Sparkle ON!! New Blog- Sparkly Giveaway!

Hello My Sparkly Friends!
and Happy Pink Saturday Mother's Day Weekend!!
So why is everybody so

Well to begin with, it's  
Mother's day weekend, so no cooking hopefully....

It is also
PINK Saturday
so here is some pink delishiousness

 I started this new blog called 
that I would love for you to visit and follow!
"Another blog Tobi??   Seriously??"
Yep- my sparkly friends... here's why, and a bit about me that you already know...

I am Tobi  from Pink Pixie Forest!   (that you already know)
I make all sorts of sparkly things with my Pixies. 
Now here's a little bit about me that you probably didn't know...
I am a makeup artist by trade- but have been falling in love with creating things over the past few years.  I owned a popular makeup school in the city for over 17 years called

After closing it a few years ago i
fell into such a deep depression that I just
didn't know who I was anymore.

What saved me was ART !!!  

I started gluing sparkly things on trees and blogging.  I took online classes like Brave girls Club and Suzi Blu. I made a  Labyrinth   in my backyard from free bricks i found on Craigslist.
I opened an Etsy shop and put up a
website (that i am really bad at updating) ...

And now I have started this blog- Sparkle Mining,
 to help women
reclaim their sparkle and get happy again.
 I am not a doctor or a psychologist,
just a woman
 who has been trying to 
reclaim my own sparkle
 and I want to share my process with you.

We have no control over the circumstances 
life can throw us... 
we can only control how we react to them!

Life happens...Sparkle Anyway! 
Ok- like HOW STINKIN CUTE is this picture??

 I want Sparkle Mining to be a place where women 
can go to feel better, get inspired and out of that "funk".  
You don't even need to be in a "funk" to enjoy it-
All the info there is free and I am adding to it daily.  
I write about courses I took, 
books that were helpful or inspiring to me- 
basically the tools I have been using to get back to myself again and
 sparkle brightly! 
I will be making videos as well so you can actually
 sit and have me talk to you like we are having a cup of tea together! 
 It's my little way of giving back.  
So please spread the word for me
To Enter the Giveaway-
Just Follow-
you just might be the lucky winner of
This Sparkly Fairy Tree!!
So have yourself 

Mother's DAY,
Pink Saturday
here's the link
Pink Weekend!!
Don't forget to leave a comment
on this post also
The Pinkpixieforest Giveaway!!!
it is still on till the end of the month!