Friday, February 28, 2014

So Much To be Grateful For...

Hello My Sparkly Friends!
I have been away for a while and have missed you so!
It has been a busy year, last summer was my daughter Ashley's wedding here at my house, 

I rested a bit and then went into full blown Christmas mode with my trees for Ebay and Etsy

 and while I was doing that I was also redecorating my dining room and kitchen! Decorated for Christmas and left my tree up till the last week of January... and only took it down because I was hosting an engagement party for thirty people the day after Valentines! 

In between, I found my sparkle needed a bit of re-Sparkling, so I did a few soul restoring e classes, my favorite being a Chakra balancing course, which I highly recommend to anyone trying to deal with life and past emotional stuff or illness stuff that gets in the way of bringing your dreams to fruition!
I am now getting ready to begin an online business class to get my many businesses focused and productive, as well as shooting my online classes for the  Artful Gathering Retreat this June!
More to come...
Yes, I have a lot to be grateful for!  
What are YOU grateful for?
Please share!!

Sparkly Hugs and kisses,
Tobi and the Pixies!

Linking to Pink Saturday