Soul Restoration is a course that is often beautifully healing and even life-changing.
You will be taught the art of ‘soul crafting’ (creative art projects, collage, journaling, etc.) including fun & effective methods to help you get unstuck, back on track, and restored to your best self!
This enjoyable and powerful workshop is designed to help you really really think and hear your own soul again…to help you remember what brings you the most joy, to realize & remember all of the things that you are good at and that make your heart sing…to get back on trackand to unleash the courage and motivation to stay on track….to reunite with your soul.
This workshop is a method of helping you become reacquainted with your deepest self through remembering and reuniting with your inner ‘Truth-Teller’. You will be helped to discern truth from lies…lies that can be holding you back and making you feel less than who you really are…to remember your dreams, your potential, your gifts and talents, all the possibilities and unique answers for your life (because it is different for each of us).
Soul Restoration is intended to help every woman to find and then keep the bravery needed to stay joyfully true to your own path.
This video is best viewed on youtube because I cant adjust my blog music.
This results in a very annoying and noisy experience!