"TOBEEEEEEEE! That Fairy isn't wearing any ClOthEs!!" Said Emma Sparklebottom as she flew down from the china cabinet and perched on my coffee cup to get a closer view of this curious sight.
"She's not a fairy Emma, she is an Angel!
"Well she sure loOkS Like a FaiRy to Meeee" Emma said while doing her balance beam walk on the edge.
"What's an AnGel ToBeeeeee?"
"Hmmn, how can I explain this? Ok, an angel is a divine messenger sent to keep us humans doing the right thing. Every person has a Guardian Angel that watches over them all the time."
Emma thought for a moment...
"Well how can your Guardian Angel help you if it is glued to a tree??"
"Very funny Emma, now please stop walking in my glitter, I don't want to spend the day picking glass shards out of your feet! Besides, it's not sanitary."